Introducing TreeDraw Legacy Edition
Tutorial - Using the drawing area
File handling
Saving a chart with a different name
Importing from the same file again
Exporting the chart as an Adobe PDF file
Exporting the chart as a metafile
Exporting the chart as a bitmap
Preparing the chart for sending
Changing the Legacy database link names
Tree import settings
Getting import visual styles from selection
Editing a chart
Joining lines to chart elements
Grouping chart elements together
Undoing the previous operation
Redoing the subsequent operation
Changing a text element's link to a Legacy database
Selecting a family to use in a database link
Selecting a person to use in a database link
Setting the shape fill pattern
Repeating the last format change
Getting default styles from selection
Changing the order of chart elements
Aligning chart elements horizontally
Aligning chart elements vertically
Turning the snap-to-grid on and off
Moving around the drawing area
Turning the Colour Palette on and off
Turning the Chart View Control on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Setting page size/margins/orientation/footer
Setting a user-defined paper size
The pointer tool is used for selecting elements already in the chart.
As you move the mouse cursor over the drawing area the cursor will change to indicate that it is over an element:
- This cursor indicates a non-selected element.
- This cursor indicates a selected element.
If you have the "Enlarge text" option on, TreeDraw may magnify the text that the cursor is over.
The status bar at the bottom of the TreeDraw window shows the X (left-right) and Y (up-down) co-ordinates of the cursor.
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