Introducing TreeDraw Legacy Edition
Tutorial - Using the drawing area
File handling
Saving a chart with a different name
Importing from the same file again
Exporting the chart as an Adobe PDF file
Exporting the chart as a metafile
Exporting the chart as a bitmap
Preparing the chart for sending
Changing the Legacy database link names
Tree import settings
Getting import visual styles from selection
Editing a chart
Joining lines to chart elements
Grouping chart elements together
Undoing the previous operation
Redoing the subsequent operation
Changing a text element's link to a Legacy database
Selecting a family to use in a database link
Selecting a person to use in a database link
Setting the shape fill pattern
Repeating the last format change
Getting default styles from selection
Changing the order of chart elements
Aligning chart elements horizontally
Aligning chart elements vertically
Turning the snap-to-grid on and off
Moving around the drawing area
Turning the Colour Palette on and off
Turning the Chart View Control on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Setting page size/margins/orientation/footer
Setting a user-defined paper size
File settings are a handful of TreeDraw options which are saved as part of each TreeDraw chart (.TDR file) . This means that when you re-open a chart file, these particular options will change to match those of the file. Most of these options are maintained elsewhere in TreeDraw.
Snap-to-grid spacing
The horizontal and vertical spacing between intersections of the snap-to-grid. Change these in "Options | Preferences | Appearance".
Page size/margins/orientation/footer
The page layout options. Set these in "File | Page setup".
Selected pages
The pages which TreeDraw will print. Use the Page selection tool to select pages. Click on the Clear button to have no pages selected; you may want to do this before using the Save settings button.
Auto-update text
If this option is set for the current chart, then the next time this chart file is opened TreeDraw will perform an Update text command on the entire chart.
Full-sized image folder
When TreeDraw imports pictures from a Legacy database, it copies a smaller version of the full-sized picture into the chart. However, the name of the original full-sized file is stored as part of the image in the chart so that when you print the chart TreeDraw can use the (better quality) full-sized image instead of the smaller image that you see on the screen.
This is OK as long as your chart (.TDR) files remain on your own PC. If you want to send a chart file to someone else, for printing on a larger format printer for example, you would also have to send the full-sized picture files from the appropriate Legacy pictures folder. Use the "File | Prepare to send" function to make copies of full-sized images files which are used by the current chart. The recipient should set the path in "Full-sized image folder" to wherever he stores your pictures files so that TreeDraw can find them.
Save settings
If you want TreeDraw to apply the current file settings every time you start a new chart, click on this button. All of the above settings are now your default settings for new charts.
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