Introducing TreeDraw Legacy Edition
Tutorial - Using the drawing area
File handling
Saving a chart with a different name
Importing from the same file again
Exporting the chart as an Adobe PDF file
Exporting the chart as a metafile
Exporting the chart as a bitmap
Preparing the chart for sending
Changing the Legacy database link names
Tree import settings
Getting import visual styles from selection
Editing a chart
Joining lines to chart elements
Grouping chart elements together
Undoing the previous operation
Redoing the subsequent operation
Changing a text element's link to a Legacy database
Selecting a family to use in a database link
Selecting a person to use in a database link
Setting the shape fill pattern
Repeating the last format change
Getting default styles from selection
Changing the order of chart elements
Aligning chart elements horizontally
Aligning chart elements vertically
Turning the snap-to-grid on and off
Moving around the drawing area
Turning the Colour Palette on and off
Turning the Chart View Control on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Setting page size/margins/orientation/footer
Setting a user-defined paper size
These are the standard fields as used by Legacy. A Legacy database consists of several separate data tables which are linked together by common fields. This version of TreeDraw Legacy Edition will read all Legacy databases from V3 to V8.
The following tables show the structure of the latest Legacy database (V8). Previous database versions may not have all these fields present or may have had additional fields.
Some field names have an apostrophe in front of them. These fields have been given more descriptive names in TreeDraw, for example "'LocationBirth" is the TreeDraw name for the Legacy field "IDLRBirth". You must include the apostrophe at the start of a field name if it is needed.
Field types
Table name | Field name | Type | Notes |
tblAR (Addresses) | 'Address | Integer | This address record code |
Address1 | String(50) | ||
Address2 | String(50) | ||
AddrName | String(255) | ||
AddrNotes | Multi-Line | ||
AddrSort | String(255) | ||
City | String(50) | ||
Country | String(50) | ||
String(50) | |||
FSResolved | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes, 2=could not resolve | |
HomePage | String(255) | ||
Kind | Byte | 0=mailing, 1=event, 2=repository | |
Latitude | Decimal | ||
LatLong | String(16) | Latitude/Longitude | |
List1 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
List2 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
List3 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
List4 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
List5 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
List6 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
Longitude | Decimal | ||
Phone1 | String(50) | ||
Phone2 | String(50) | ||
Private | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
State | String(50) | ||
Style | Byte | Postcode position | |
Tag1 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
Used | Byte | Temporary storage | |
VEResolved | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes, 2=could not resolve | |
Verified | Byte | 1=yes | |
ZipCode | String(50) | ||
tblER (Events) | 'Address | Integer | Address record code |
Desc | Multi-line | ||
Description | String(255) | ||
'Event | Integer | This event's record code | |
EventD | String(45) | Event date | |
EventSD | Integer | Sort date | |
'EventType | Integer | Event type record code | |
GEDTag | String(30) | (unused) | |
FSResolved | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes, 2=could not resolve | |
IDType | Byte | 0=individual, 20=marriage | |
'LocationEvent | Integer | Event location record code | |
Order | Integer | Sort order | |
IDIDOwner | Integer | Individual or marriage record code | |
'Person | Integer | Individual or marriage record code | |
SentenceOverride | String(255) | ||
tblIR (Individuals) | Added | Integer | Date record added |
AddedTime | String(5) | Time record added | |
'Address | Integer | Mailing list record code | |
'AddressBirth | Integer | Birth address record code | |
'AddressBuried | Integer | Burial address record code | |
'AddressChris | Integer | Chris address record code | |
'AddressDeath | Integer | Death address record code | |
AlreadyUsed | Byte | Temporary storage | |
AncestralRef | String(20) | Ancestral file number | |
AncInterest | Byte | 0=low to 3=high | |
BaptismD | String(45) | Baptism date | |
BaptismKind | Byte | 0=live, 1=Temple | |
BaptismNote | Multi-line | ||
BaptismSD | Integer | Sort date | |
BirthD | String(45) | Birth date | |
BirthNote | Multi-line | ||
BirthSD | Integer | Sort date | |
BuriedD | String(45) | Burial date | |
BuriedNote | Multi-line | ||
BuriedSD | Integer | Sort date | |
ChrisD | String(45) | Christening date | |
ChrisNote | Multi-line | ||
ChrisSD | Integer | Sort date | |
ChrTerm | String(100) | ||
ColorTag1 | Integer | Color grouping code | |
ColorTag2 | Integer | Color grouping code | |
ConfirmationD | String(45) | Confirmation date | |
ConfirmationKind | Byte | 0=live, 1=Temple | |
ConfirmationNote | Multi-line | ||
ConfirmationSD | Integer | Sort date | |
Cremated | Byte | 0=false, 1=true | |
DeathCause | String(255) | ||
DeathD | String(45) | Death date | |
DeathNote | Multi-line | ||
DeathSD | Integer | Sort date | |
DecInterest | Byte | 0=low to 3=high | |
DirectLine | Byte | 1=direct line ancestor | |
DNA | Multi-line | Packed DNA record | |
EndowD | String(45) | Endowment date | |
EndowNote | Multi-line | ||
EndowSD | Integer | Sort date | |
FSActive | Byte | 1=Appears in Legacy Family Search | |
Gender | Byte | 0=male, 1=female, 2=unknown | |
GivenName | String(120) | ||
ID | Integer | Internal record number | |
Imported | Byte | 1=was imported | |
InitiatoryD | String(45) | TempleReady Initiatory date | |
InitiatoryNote | Multi-line | ||
InitiatorySD | Integer | Sort date | |
IntelliShare | String(30) | ||
LDSB | Byte | 1=marked for baptism TempleReady | |
LDSC | Byte | 1=marked for confirmation TempleReady | |
LDSE | Byte | 1=marked for endowment TempleReady | |
LDSI | Byte | 1=marked for initiatory TempleReady | |
Living | Byte | 0=alive, 1=dead | |
'LocationBirth | Integer | Birth location record code | |
'LocationBuried | Integer | Burial location record code | |
'LocationChris | Integer | Christening location record code | |
'LocationDeath | Integer | Death location record code | |
LTMP1 | Integer | Temporary storage | |
LTMP2 | Integer | Temporary storage | |
'MarriageParents | Integer | Preferred parents marriage record code | |
'MarriagePref | Integer | Preferred spouse marriage record code | |
Medical | Multi-line | Medical notes | |
NameNote | Multi-line | Note for name | |
NeverMarried | Byte | 1=person never married | |
Notes | Multi-line | ||
'Person | Integer | This person's record code | |
PPCheck | Byte | Potential problem flag | |
PPExclude | Text(50) | Excluded potential problems | |
Prefix | String(50) | ||
Private | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes, 2=invisible | |
qsTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
References | Multi-line | ||
Relations | String(20) | Encoded | |
ReminderTag | Byte | 1=yes | |
ReminderTagDeath | Byte | 1=yes | |
RGExclude | Byte | (unused) | |
SaveTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
SoundsLike | String(4) | ||
SrchTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
SrchTagRG | Byte | (unused) | |
STMP1 | String(255) | Temporary storage | |
Surname | String(120) | ||
Tag1-Tag9 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
TagAnc | Byte | Temporary storage | |
TagDec | Byte | Temporary storage | |
TagGroup | Byte | Temporary storage | |
'TempleBaptism | Integer | Baptism temple record code | |
'TempleConfirmation | Integer | Confirmation temple record code | |
'TempleEndow | Integer | Endowment temple record code | |
'TempleInitiatory | Integer | Initiatory temple record code | |
TempleTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
Title | String(50) | ||
TreeNum | Small integer | ||
Updated | Integer | Date record changed | |
UpdatedTime | String(5) | Time record changed | |
UserRef | String(20) | User's ID number | |
tblMR (Marriages) | Added | Integer | Date record added |
AddedTime | String(5) | Time record added | |
'Address | Integer | Marriage address record code | |
AlreadyUsed | Byte | Temporary storage | |
HPhrase | String(20) | ||
HusbBirthSD | Integer | Sort date | |
HusbGivenName | String(120) | ||
HusbMarrSurname | String(255) | ||
HusbOrder | Small integer | Sort order | |
HusbPrefMar | Byte | 1=preferred, 0=not | |
HusbSurname | String(120) | ||
HusbWifeOver1 | String(255) | ||
HusbWifeOver2 | String(255) | ||
ID | Integer | Internal record code | |
LDSS | Byte | 1=marked for Seal to Spouse | |
'LocationMar | Integer | Marriage location record code | |
LTMP1 | Integer | Temporary storage | |
LTMP2 | Integer | Temporary storage | |
MarD | String(45) | Marriage date | |
MarEndD | String(45) | Marriage end date | |
MarEndSD | Integer | Sort date | |
'Marriage | Integer | This marriage record code | |
MarriedNameRule | Byte | 0=none, 1=replace wife's surname | |
'MarrStatus | Integer | Marriage status record code | |
MarSD | Integer | Sort date | |
MPhrase | String(100) | ||
NoChildren | Byte | 1=couple have no children | |
Notes | Multi-line | ||
NotMarried | Byte | 1=not married | |
'PersonHusb | Integer | Husband's individual record code | |
'PersonWife | Integer | Wife's individual record code | |
PPCheck | Byte | Potential problems flag | |
Private | Byte | 1=true | |
ReminderTag | Byte | ||
RPhrase | String(100) | ||
RPhrase2 | String(100) | ||
SealD | String(45) | Seal date | |
SealNote | Multi-line | ||
SealSD | Integer | Sort date | |
SPhrase | String(100) | ||
SrchTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
Tag1-Tag9 | Byte | 0=no, 1=yes | |
TagGroup | Byte | Temporary storage | |
'TempleSeal | Integer | Seal temple record code | |
TempleTag | Byte | Temporary storage | |
Updated | Integer | Date record changed | |
UpdatedTime | String(5) | Time record changed | |
UserRef | String(50) | ||
WifeBirthSD | Integer | Sort date | |
WifeGivenName | String(120) | ||
WifeHusbOver1 | String(255) | ||
WifeHusbOver2 | String(255) | ||
WifeMarrSurname | String(255) | ||
WifeOrder | Small integer | Sort order | |
WifePrefMar | Byte | 1=preferred, 0=not | |
WifeSurname | String(120) | ||
WPhrase | String(100) |
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